Dr. Zubair Md Fadlullah, PhD, SM-IEEE

Associate Professor, Western University

Home Department:
Computer Science


Office Location:
Middlesex College (MC) 360

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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Former Associate Professor, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada

Former Research Chair of Smart Health Technology, Lakehead University-Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute (TBRHRI), Canada

Former Associate Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Welcome to Dr. Fadlullah's 「ACCESS (Advanced Computing and Communication Enabled Smart Society)Research Group

Dr. Fadlullah is currently an Associate Professor with the Computer Science Department, University of Western Ontario, Canada. He was previously the Smart Health Technology Research Chair at Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute (TBRHRI), and an Associate Professor at Lakehead University, Canada. Associate Professor at Lakehead University an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS), Tohoku University, Japan, from 2017 to 2019. He also served at GSIS as an Assistant Professor from 2011 to 2017. 

Dr. Fadlullah's main research interests are in the areas of emerging communication networks and interdisciplinary domains such as 5G and beyond (B5G) networks, Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart health technology and medical analytics, and application of AI and optimization methods for solving computer science and communication system problems.

Dr. Fadlullah was a recipient of the prestigious Dean’s and President’s Awards from Tohoku University in March 2011, and the IEEE Asia Pacific Outstanding Researcher Award in 2015 and NEC Tokin Award for research in 2016, for his outstanding contributions. He has also received several best paper awards at conferences including IWCMC, Globecom, and IC-NIDC.  He received the Lakehead University Research Excellence Award in February 2022. 

He has actively engaged in many professional activities: